Letters to the Editor
For Tuesday, November 11, 2008
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Nov 11, 2008
Hawaii can glow in Obama's limelight
The Hawaii Tourism Authority is sure having a bad year.
First, there's the Rex Johnson embarrassment and his nearly $300,000 buyout. Now, its state liaison, Marsha Wienert, questions the value of spending money to participate in President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration, being quoted as saying, "We've never spent money on an inauguration in the past."
Hello? We've never had a Hawaii native elected president of the United States before. Value? The tourism authority couldn't get more bang for its promotional bucks for Hawaii by acknowledging someone who shortly will be America's No. 1 tourist.
Bill Kwon
Why so many problems with voting in Hawaii?
So why is it that within minutes of polls closing in most states, the networks have a good reading on how the votes went, while every two years in Hawaii we wait and wait and then learn that some ballots were mislaid or some further check is being done or some other excuse not to get any results until Venus is setting in the west?
Bob Jones
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